Is it time to wake up?
Eldest Daughter, Lauren, had gained her degree. But wasn’t sure which direction she was pointing in Life.
Until she went to Africa.
Mum – trustee of a children’s charity – had organised another 10 day expedition.
And Lauren fancied another adventure: building school extensions, creating water towers, installing computers… and a safari to round off the trip.
Except she wasn’t ready for the children.
The children who constantly, constantly smiled… whilst dancing in a playground of questionable puddles.
The children who were excited that they would get more than one bowl of fou fou that day.
The children who sang to her. Haunting, harmonising songs.
The children who stroked her silky hair, and golden arms.
The children who laughed and screamed at her shimmying to the music.
Eventually, her heart broke.
And she disappeared for hours, to sit quietly. Staring.
Lauren woke up to the person she could become.
First, she completed a Masters degree.
Then, whilst her friends entered high-paying, glamorous-sounding careers in and around London…
Lauren chose to enter the charity sector.
Since then, she has travelled across the world… ultimately bringing hope, saving lives.
There are moments in our business lives when Destiny tries to get our attention.
sometimes it’s a constant tap on the shoulder.
Sometimes it’s a good thwack across the back of the head.
The message?
“Wake Up!”
– Perhaps it’s:
“Wake Up! How do you need to change, to move your work from Good To Great!”
– Or:
“Wake Up! What do you already know, that you’re going to have to face up to in 12 months?”
– Or:
“Wake Up! It’s time to invest your heart in leading your team, rather than only playing Super-Adviser!”
– Or:
“Wake Up to What’s Really Important in Your Life! And It Might Not Be Your Work!”
I wonder.
Is there a “Wake Up!” message you might be ignoring today?