We Hardly Know Our Own Power!
I tried MEDITATION for the first time yesterday evening.
A meditation class passionately, cleverly and beautifully guided by one of the Soul Millionaire team.
Given the results of just 1 hour of Meditation for Beginners…
I should have tried it years ago!
How our business would have benefitted!
Because the cares and fretting that accompany running a business…
just melted away.
I thought of the hundreds of sleepless nights I could have saved myself!
It reminded me just how much of the world that we think is real…
exists largely in our own mind. And our own body.
And how much our limited thinking, our fears and our assumptions…
Get in the way of MIRACLES in our life.
In our business.
I remember talking to a tiny gathering of 15 financial advisers.
Trying to convince them that we could create our own conference.
A conference where THEY would be the speakers.
A conference where folk would travel from far and wide to listen to THEM.
A conference where THEY could influence the thinking of a profession.
After that gathering, I crawled home. Too tired even to speak.
But I made the mistake of opening an email before collapsing onto the sofa.
Here’s What It Said:
”David… Would you like to help us create this next conference.
And would you like to invite some of the characters in your book to take part?”
Well, I’ll be!
The “characters in my book” just happened to include the people I’d been passionately exhorting and encouraging just 90 minutes ago!
It seems to me…
Miracles – even little, seemingly inconsequential miracles – don’t happen frequently enough.
Because, in this so-called Enlightened Era…
we just don’t BELIEVE enough!
We daren’t allow the concept called “FAITH” to unsettle the logical, scientific world we’ve wrapped around us.
If we did, we would feel so very out-of-control.
Yet, in shunning that possibility…
We miss out on what it means to be Stunningly, Beautifully Human.
Thinking we can control our world with our finite, limited knowledge, experience, logic and metrics…
we rob ourselves of our own power!
The possibility of being part of joyous, miraculous experiences.
And our businesses, our people, our clients are comparative paupers as a result.