The Soul Millionaire Journey

The 24-Month Programme designed to multiply the transformational impact of your work:

  • On your clients
  • On your colleagues
  • On your revenue results
  • On your life.

Sounds nice doesn’t it?

But currently:

  • You’re consumed, stressed, spread thin.
  • You’re ‘up to here’ with CPD, conference and educational commitments.
  • Revenue is fine. So why change things now?

Well, what you’ll learn in…
The Soul Millionaire Journey
looks like this

And this Journey has already helped to change the fortunes and future of Advisers, Planners and Leaders across the UK.

To reserve your seat for our next Soul Millionaire Journey launch webinar in October just sign up below…

Tracy Crookes

“Soul Millionaire coaching – and The Soul Millionaire Journey – has shown me HOW to engage in far more meaningful conversations with our clients.

It’s reignited my passion for the impact I can have In their lives.

What’s more, I’m learning how to shed the need for frenetic activity. And giving myself the space to think more clearly. With noticeable results!”


Andy Hounsell

“1-2-1 Executive Coaching… The Soul Millionaire Journey… Leadership MasterClasses…
Constant support from the Soul Millionaire consulting and coaching team…

All of this has multiplied our team’s skills and impact on our clients’ lives.
We’ve experienced more transformation, support and emotional safety here… than with any other group in my business life!”

I’ve experienced more support, encouragement and emotional safety here than with any other group in my business life!”

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  • You’ll no longer feel isolated!
  • You’ll be learning as part of a community – The Tribe: helping, supporting, understanding, encouraging… YOU!
  • You’ll be provided with your private Soul Millionaire Learning Platform
  • There, you’ll start each Lesson with a succinct video
  • If you prefer to read… you can access the video transcript
  • If you prefer to listen… just access the audio version
  • You’ll then dip into your ‘Lesson Journal’
  • Here you’ll find Blueprints… Templates…Checklists… Examples… Case Studies… Scripts… Additional Resources…
  • Everything designed to help you understand, test and implement… more quickly, more easily!
  • Every month you’ll meet with your Tribe Colleagues online
  • Here we’ll dig further into each Lesson
  • Here you’ll learn how to coach and support each other through the key elements of each Lesson
  • Yes! You’ll learn Coaching Skills… Skills which you can then apply to your client (and team) relationships!

To reserve your seat for our next Soul Millionaire Journey launch webinar in October just sign up below…

David Dodds

“The principles I learned in The Soul Millionaire Journey – combined with Executive Coaching – these gave me the confidence and clarity I needed!

Now I’m leading my own firm. And living my own dream!”

Matt Smith

“The heights we’ve reached since engaging with the Soul Millionaire world leaves me breathless!
1-2-1 Executive Coaching… Team coaching… The Soul Millionaire Journey.

All have combined to bring me to a place where our impact is wider. And life is more balanced.”

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  • BUILD coaching skills which liberate clients’ thinking
  • BUILD a culture which ignites your team’s passion and finest talents
  • BUILD a community full of your absolutely-ideal clients

To reserve your seat for our next Soul Millionaire Journey launch webinar in October just sign up below…

Greg Reid

“I’m leading a thriving, ambitious – and caring – team.
A team poised to have a deeper impact on our clients’ lives… and on this profession.

Like me, they’re fascinated, after engaging with the early stages of The Soul Millionaire Journey.
Now we’re eager to experience the impact of Soul Millionaire coaching on our clients… and on our future!”

Scott Millar

“Creating a new business is not without its challenges.
Yet Soul Millionaire Executive Coaching has helped us to develop unusual business and leadership skills.

And The Soul Millionaire Journey principles help us behave in transformative ways with clients.

I believe we’re involved in a new wave of thinking.
Thinking designed to attract bright, caring people… and bring out the very best in them.”

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  • are seriously well-qualified, but struggle with the demands of leading a 21st century business
  • have lost the love (and fun) you once felt for your business
  • relish being with clients. But find leading a team far more frustrating
  • have wonderful, noble intentions. But your colleagues are not on the same page.

To reserve your seat for our next Soul Millionaire Journey launch webinar in October just sign up below…

Mark Smith

“Being part of this Soul Millionaire Journey – and The Tribe – is a rich emotional experience.

1-2-1 Coaching with David had already changed my perspective on business.
Now, learning Client Coaching skills (with others who think deeply and care passionately) lifts my spirits – and my sights – on a regular basis.”

Rob Schwarz

“Soul Millionaire Executive Coaching is helping us to become business strategists and leaders… not just good Financial Planners.

Meanwhile, The Soul Millionaire Journey is helping us develop life-changing coaching skills. Creating a safe, courageous, transformative space for our clients.”

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  • BUILD coaching skills which liberate clients’ thinking
  • BUILD a culture which ignites your team’s passion and finest talents
  • BUILD a community full of your absolutely-ideal clients
  • BUILD an astonishing, coherent Referral Strategy
  • BUILD a ‘knock-their-socks-off’ service, which attracts much higher fees
  • BUILD skills which make you the kind of leader others love to follow.

To reserve your seat for our next Soul Millionaire Journey launch webinar in October just sign up below…

Andrew Johnston

“Being on this Soul Millionaire Journey – and sharing ideas with other Tribe Members – is a valuable part of my business life.

Using the coaching skills I learned, I’ve led my senior partners in redefining the future of our business.
Something unlikely to have happened if I weren’t part of this Tribe, this Programme.”

Rob Bell

“It’s one thing building a financial planning team. It’s quite another building a team of strong wills, united around a passionate mission and deeply felt values.

Executive Coaching and The Soul Millionaire Journey are helping us to do that. Skilfully.”

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To reserve your seat for our next Soul Millionaire Journey launch webinar in October just sign up below…

Tim Gurr

“It was my VIP Guest place at a Soul Millionaire MasterClass which fuelled my belief and determination. That and the support of The Tribe.

Soon after that pivotal day, I committed to launching out on my own.
Hope, dreams and possibility… become reality here!”

Steve Speed

“I’ve not experienced a Coaching Programme or professional community like this before.
Here I have a Coaching Buddy, who helps me see more clearly what’s possible in my business. And how I need to change.
We share ideas and strategies. We laugh at ourselves and our efforts at transformation.

The Soul Millionaire Journey, and Tribe Membership, has opened a whole new world for me!”

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  • You’re paid more handsomely, and you feel more fulfilled
  • You’ve created a life-enhancing business that others look to with awe and respect
  • Your business frees you to live the life you yearn for
  • Your business transforms each of the lives it touches
  • You’re building a team which is excited about the meaning and joy they feel in the work that they do with you.

To reserve your seat for our next Soul Millionaire Journey launch webinar in October just sign up below…

Philip Piggins

“Engaging in The Soul Millionaire Journey… attending MasterClasses… buddy-coaching with Tribe Members…

All of this helped me to break through my own excuses.
I’m now committed to a 4-day working week!
With my wife joining me in the business – to make sure I stick to my promise!

This community inspires action!”

Neil Bird

“This thought-shifting Soul Millionaire Journey.
These brilliantly designed monthly Tribe meetings (‘Breakouts’)!
Together, they’ve become an important part of my ‘business rhythm’.

Everybody is open, supportive and encouraging. There’s no strutting, bravado, boasting, comparing or judging.

What a different profession this would be if every Adviser was able to experience this regularly!”

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  • First 7 Members: 1-2-1 Kickstart Conversation with a coach
  • Constantly: support, coaching, connection and collaboration with other Tribe Members
  • 6-Weekly: releases of NEW multi-media material for The Soul Millionaire Journey
  • Next-level bluprints, templates, checklists, scripts, videos, journals…
  • Monthly: ‘Tribe Breakouts’ (group coaching, networking, Q&A)
  • Privileged Access: 1-2-1 Executive Coaching for YOU
  • Privileged Access: Advanced Coaching Skills Programmes
  • Privileged Access: MasterClasses and Other Events
  • Ongoing: Inspiring – and growing – Library of Webinars, White Papers, Podcasts, Videos…

All of this awaits you.

Because I beleive that we can accomplish something extraordinary.

“I believe you have the power to change people’s lives.

Let me show you HOW!”