Attracting The Clients You’d Absolutely Love to Work With
It never does cease to amaze and delight me
How meaning, fulfilment and gratitude flows,
Whenever I focus my skills and my resource
On serving those clients I most carefully chose.
There’s a reason why richer rewards do result from
Distilling our energies; not serving the mass.
Yet too many believe they can please everyone. But
‘Tis that thought that makes reason stare, alas.
For each role that we play, and each season we live
Brings to us its own great joy and despair.
Each community wrestles with struggles distinct.
Each group faces questions both common and rare.
If you’re to engage folk, these things you should know:
What drives them, what lifts them, what truths they believe.
For the more that you’re versed in the world where they dwell,
The better you’re placed to both give and receive.
So, let us examine this science called ‘niching’
Let’s gaze at the nuggets of knowledge you’ll need,
If you’re eager to reap what is solely reserved for
Those savvy enough to these four rules give heed.
First, can you respond to the quest’ “Who Am I?”
“Do you know where I fit (in my work)? Where I’m living?
Do you ken my wee clan? What I earn? What I’m worth now?
Without such awareness, I’m so unforgiving.”
Next, “Can you fathom the way that I’m thinking?
Like the brands that I buy, can you speak to my views?
Do you full understand what I’ll fight to defend? And
Have you any idea why I’ll choose what I’ll choose?”
Now, what of the other two rules that I mentioned?
Those guidelines from which flow the riches you seek?
What draws to you people you’d so love to work with?
Well, the answers you’re seeking… I’ll reveal them next week!
Come join me and know… I’ll reveal more next week!