This Single Leadership Idea Transformed Their Team
How well I remember that voice from the crowd.
Of those hundred there present, one message stood out.
That leader was only too eager to offer
His one golden nugget. And it carries some clout.
It was Twenty Nineteen. Workshop venues, eleven.
One thousand (plus) minds being put to the test.
“Of all of the leadership ideas that I’ve gathered,”
He said, “This one stands mighty above all the rest!”
(Now, of course, I cannot recall his exact phrases.
I’m relaying the essence, with licence poetic.
But it’s clear as he went on to unfold his story
The impact on his firm was far from cosmetic.)
“We met with our team.” He continued his lesson.
“Over time we considered what we all believed.
What did we all stand for? What truths we’d let govern?
What values would filter each idea we received?”
“When we finally distilled what was vital in our view,
We printed our System of Values in bold.
When placed ‘round our office, in positions strategic,
Each plan and decision against them we’d hold.
I’ll say it again:” he concluded with passion,
“I’ve picked up a host of ideas through the years.
But of all those leadership concepts and counsel,
There are few that so govern our business affairs!”
By investing our time to make clear our firm’s values,
We’ll ensure we’re not prey to our egos and fears.
And it’s crystal that if we don’t know what we stand for
We’ll find ourselves falling for another’s ideas.
Articulating our values says out loud what does matter.
Freud said, “We chase Pleasure”. For Adler ‘twas “Power”.
Viktor Frankl said “No! Our quest is for Meaning.”
“Let’s Do Work That Has Meaning!” is my thought for this hour.
“Let’s Do Work That Has Meaning!” That’s my thought for this hour.