June 10, 2022

One Decision That Can Fuel Your Future

When they interviewed John Sculley, Apple’s ex-CEO
His comments were piercing, perhaps even funny.
“Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, they discussed many things.
Of changing the world. But never of money!”

Which casts my mind back: many’s the leader I’ve met with;
When asked to define what one purpose they’ve chosen.
“What is it that drives your most earnest endeavours,
Beyond ‘More!’?” Their jaw drops. Their face it is frozen.

To inspire your team with a clear sense of purpose
Is a primary task of whoever would lead.
If we want those around us to invest of their genius
In the role that they play. Then we’d best meet that need.

If you want me to give of the best I have in me,
Then make your decision, what we’re all about.
Being “reasonably clear” (would you trust that with glasses?)
Is a mite short of useless. And my heart just opts out.

For I want to start Mondays with some sense of passion.
I’d love our team’s work to unite and inspire.
But when you once more go chasing the latest idea from
That conference or workshop…I’m thrown in the mire!

Pray tell me the one thing that we should excel at.
What singular vision lifts us from the crowd?
I cannot assist you in being best at all things.
So, please clarify what would make us all proud.

That one decision shows us clear what we don’t want.
All our future decisions will fall out or fall in.
When we focus our finite resource and our talent,
There’s a mighty big chance wondrous future’s therein.

One day we’ll look back on those tasks which consumed us.
Of most that were trivial – too many to score.
Yet practice some wisdom and we’ll recount the story
Of the one or two choices, helped our life to soar.
Of the one or two choices, helped our life to soar!