October 13, 2022

Keeping calm when all about you is financial chaos

D’you remember the days when we yearned for what’s ‘Normal’?
(We were getting so close, ‘til Vladimir launched his war!)
Now the chaos that’s followed impacts households and markets.
And the virus of fear infects our clients once more.

Of course, we should plan to expect the unexpected!
That’s our role. To steady our clients in their qualm.
It’s our insight and strength, our understanding they look to
When they’re losing their heads. So, here’s how to stay calm.

It’s these times that they’ll call on our non-technical knowhow.
Spouting deep economics won’t help us – and them – here.
For the first test we face is the depth of the trust that
We’ve built, which is tougher than it might appear!

If that trust is full based on their portfolio status,
Then we open ourselves up to sore troubles galore!
Far better to found it on the journey they’re sailing,
And how we can help them reach their sunniest ‘shore’.

If you’re leading a business or team in such climates,
Then others look to you for resilience and far sight.
You’d better be clear how the business you’re building
Is designed to stand ‘earthquakes’; in ‘floods’ is airtight.

Too many firms lean on their systems and processes
And technical skills to face the turmoil ahead.
When the truth is they leave themselves open to risk if
They’ve failed to consider how their business is led.

So, when all around you starts to shake and unravel.
When solutions don’t work that you used to apply. Remember…
Your success and happiness depend less on circumstances
And far more on where you’re heading and why.
And far more on where you’re heading and why.