July 12, 2024

The Fact is Machines Just Don’t CARE!

Last night Wendy and I dashed from our office…
to Fairfield Halls in Croydon.

There – watching the BBC Concert Orchestra – we were in the thrall of music… inspired by the streets and fields of British folksong.

Among the mix were heart-tearing pieces by John Williams and Mozart.

Sometimes we looked at each other… and realised that we simply couldn’t speak.

So choked were we by our emotions.
So mesmerised were we by the passionate body language, the unbridled features, of the conductor and orchestra.

And this is what was unmistakable…

To ravage our hearts like this…
Each creator-of-that-miracle had first to stretch, tear and wreak havoc on their own minds and souls.

What they laid before us was a glimpse into the very core of their being.

Can you imagine what those composers and musicians would have dished up to us…
if what they sought was “AN EASIER WAY TO DO THINGS”?

Can you imagine if their intention was to worship the Industrial Age’s God of ‘Productivity’…
By sacrificing their humanity on the Altars of Efficiency?

Glorious human creation – soaring beauty – like this doesn’t come from seeking Ease and Efficiency!

First there is sweat and pain… and frustration and heartbreak… and disappointment and doubt for us to experience!

ALL of that personal experience is an essential part of the creation of something of wonder!

HEAVEN HELP US – and our clients…
if we start confusing the use of technology and AI…

With the skill development needed for deep human understanding…
As we aim to engage in the complexity of rich human relationships!

If we fall back into the Logic and Metric and Productivity-driven thinking of a Financial Services INDUSTRY…
(in our pursuit of doing more stuff in less time)…
Rather than striving towards the client-mind-and-heart-centred privilege of being a real Financial Planning PROFESSION…

I believe…
A test of this profession’s wisdom will be…

How CLEARLY we recognise that ‘Doing More Things’ doesn’t equate to ‘Having Greater Impact by Embracing More Noble Behaviour’.

HOW we ensure that the brilliant technology we’ve created remains our SERVANT. Not our MASTER.

Because the fact is…