Why ‘Scary’ is Where You Need to Play Now!
I don’t know why Wendy and I bothered to sit down on our settee last night.
Because for 3 solid hours we were up and down answering the doorbell and the hammering on our window!
Ghastly, ghoulish, grisly, grim apparitions on our doorstep!
(Yeah, some took our breath away)
Behind which stood the cutest of children…
and their delighted, fretful parents.
Today, they’ll all be back to ‘normal’.
Dressed… looking… sounding… behaving… pretty much like everybody else in their community.
Fitting in.
Just like most financial advisory businesses.
Which is deadly!
Because nobody remembers ‘normal’
‘Normal’ becomes lost in the Land of Vanilla.
The Masses in The Middle Ground.
The services and fees and websites that look remarkably like 95% of their peers.
The territory where clients and teams too often stay…
because they simply haven’t the energy to seek for anything else.
I remember being terrified when Wendy recommended that I call my business… ‘THE SOUL MILLIONAIRE’.
“I mean, you coach at a SOUL-DEEP level.” Says she, casually.
You teach Advisers to work at a soul-deep level with their clients. And their teams.
You’re about TRANSFORMATION. Enriching Lives and so on.
You say you want to attract HEART-CENTRED leaders…
who want to do something more than make a profit.
And you want to influence ONE MILLION lives through your work. Right?
Well then. No brainer! YOU’RE ‘THE SOUL MILLIONAIRE’!”
We’re definitely NOT ‘inclusive’.
Because we’re definitely NOT for everyone!
Those firms and leaders that become memorable?
They live on The Edge.
They live in ‘Scary’.
They say things and do things and deliver things and charge things…
that cause their peers – and often their clients – to gasp.
Gasp. And then come back, delightedly, for more!
They bare their soul.
They’re Marmite.
They’re rebels!
Which is why (long after most unremarkable firms have had to flog their clients to the highest bidder)…
There will be a passionate second generation to continue the Scary brand…
and to shape their profession.
The Middle Ground.
Where the noisy babble of competition is the most deafening.
Or The Edge.
Where you dare to say… do… deliver… something that’s heartfelt.
Something that’s rather outrageous.
Something that’s Scary!
It’s a choice.
What’s yours?